The Scientific Committee for the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation extends a warm invitation to ATBC members to join us as reviewers in the selection of abstracts for the upcoming ATBC2024 Meeting in Kigali. We believe that your expertise and insight will greatly contribute to the success of this event and help advance the key goals of our association.
We would be delighted to welcome a diverse mix of individuals, both young and experienced, from various cultural and disciplinary backgrounds, to participate in this task. ATBC will also issue certificates of recognition to those who find it beneficial.
We invite you to express your interest in this opportunity by sending an email to sophie.calme@usherbrooke.ca before February 29th with the subject line 'ATBC 2024 Call for Abstracts Reviewers'. Once our team of reviewers is assembled, we will provide detailed instructions and further information. Evaluations will take place in April over approximately one week.
We look forward to your valuable contribution to the success of ATBC 2024!