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local organizing committee
Beth Kaplin

University of Rwanda Rwanda
Myriam Mujawamariya

University of Rwanda, Rwanda
Deo Tuyisingize

Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, Rwanda
Jerome Irankunda

Tourism Univ, Rwanda
Athanase Mukurulinda

Assumpta Uzamukunda

World Resources Institute, Rwanda
Canisius Muganga

University of Rwanda, Rwanda
Jean Aime Ruticumugambi

IPRC Kitabi - Rwanda Polytechnic, Rwanda
Augustin Basabose

Primate Expertise, DRC
Placide Masengesho

Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association, Rwanda
Nadia Niyonizeye

Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
Felister Mombo

Sokoine University of Agriculture
Aimee Sandrine Uwase

Center of Excellence in Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management, University of Rwanda
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